
Composite bonding in Manchester

👉 Can we talk about composite bonding in Manchester? I know, you’ve probably heard it mentioned but you’re not sure what it is and whether it’s the proper treatment for your teeth.

It can improve the shape, colour and look of your teeth.

Restoring problematic areas with a resin-based composite material gives you a more confident smile in no time.

Composite bonding is used to fill in gaps between teeth, fill in discoloured or chipped teeth, and tight spaces that still remain after orthodontic treatment.

Will my teeth need to be drilled? Is it invasive?

It’s not invasive at all! We won’t have to drill or shape your natural teeth, and you won’t lose any amount of your natural tooth unless there’s an infection or a problematic issue with your dental health, as we can’t place composite over unhealthy teeth. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Is composite bonding the right option for me?

Well, we can’t say for certain unless you visit us for a FREE consultation. But there are some pointers we can look at! If you have some minor tooth problems and most of the tooth is still there.
As long as you have the tooth (or the majority of it still left) you’re viable for composite bonding in Manchester.
BUT – if the tooth is severely damaged or you’ve lost the tooth you’re more likely to have a look into dental implants. It will replace the tooth and root entirely with an implant and a porcelain crown.

Are there any risks involved?

Composite bonding is a simple and safe procedure. There are no harmful risks involved. Unlike veneers and crowns, no drilling is necessary and it’s the least invasive cosmetic option to have. Also, if you damage the composite resin – it can be repaired and restored in no time.

What are the most common uses of composite bonding?

The most popular one – is cosmetic. Improvement of shape, colour and alignment. Second place – filling a gap between the teeth. A gap between your front two teeth, a gap anywhere really is a great use of composite bonding treatment.

How long does it take?

You can walk out of our practice with a beautiful and fresh smile – on the same day.

How much does composite bonding in Manchester cost?

The price range can be anywhere from £300-£500/tooth. But look no further – our prices are one of the lowest in Manchester starting from £275/tooth (depending on complexity and bonding required).
See more of our cases here

Also, make sure to do some research before committing to any treatments of composite bonding in Manchester.

composite bonding in Manchester

dr awais ali

Dr Awais Ali

Cosmetic and Invisalign Dentist

composite bonding in manchester


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