

diet and oral health

Eating for a Healthy Smile: The Impact of Diet on Oral Health

April 15, 2024

Your diet plays a crucial role in your overall health, including the health of your teeth and gums. Understanding the connection between what you eat and your oral health can help you make better choices to maintain a healthy smile.

How Nutrition Affects Oral Health

The nutrients you consume impact your oral health significantly. Calcium and phosphorus help to rebuild enamel, while vitamins A and C are essential for gum health. Conversely, foods high in sugar and acid can erode enamel and promote cavities.

Best Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

To keep your mouth healthy, incorporate these nutrient-rich foods into your diet:

  • Dairy Products: Cheese, milk, and yogurt are high in calcium, which strengthens the teeth.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and other greens are loaded with vitamins and minerals that promote oral health.
  • Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables: Apples, carrots, and celery help clean teeth naturally and stimulate saliva production, reducing decay.

Foods to Avoid or Limit for Better Oral Health

Some foods can increase the risk of cavities and gum disease:

  • Sugary Snacks: Candies, cookies, and cakes can contribute to tooth decay.
  • Acidic Beverages: Sodas, citrus juices, and sports drinks can wear down tooth enamel.

Practical Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Diet

  • Snack Wisely: Choose snacks that benefit oral health, like nuts or cheese.
  • Moderate Sugar Intake: Limit sugary treats and consider healthier alternatives.
  • Regular Meals: Eating at regular intervals helps prevent constant exposure of teeth to acids and sugars.

The Role of Water in Oral Hygiene

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is not only essential for hydration but also helps wash away food particles and bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities.

Your diet significantly influences your oral health. By incorporating healthy foods and limiting harmful ones, you can enjoy a stronger, healthier smile.

Interested in learning more about how your diet affects your dental health? Contact Manchester Dental to schedule a consultation. Our team is ready to help you develop a diet plan that supports your oral health goals.

dental anxiety manchester

Overcoming Dental Fear: Effective Solutions for Anxiety-Free Visits

April 15, 2024

Dental anxiety is a common issue affecting millions of individuals, deterring them from regular dental visits essential for maintaining oral health. Understanding and addressing this fear is crucial for ensuring comprehensive dental care.

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety refers to the fear, anxiety, or stress in a dental setting. Triggers can vary widely but often include fear of pain, negative past experiences, or the sounds and smells of the dental office. It’s a significant issue, with studies indicating that it affects a considerable portion of the population.

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Anxiety

Patients with dental anxiety exhibit signs ranging from mild nervousness to severe panic and distress. Physical symptoms may include sweating, increased heartbeat, and dizziness. Emotionally, patients may feel irritable or scared, and behaviorally, they might miss appointments or feel upset at the thought of dental work.

Professional Solutions for Managing Dental Anxiety

Manchester Dental offers various solutions to manage dental anxiety effectively:

  • Sedation Dentistry: Options like nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”), oral sedatives, or IV sedation help patients relax during dental procedures.
  • Psychological Approaches: Techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy can be effective in managing dental fear.

In-Office Relaxation Techniques

At Manchester Dental, we ensure that the environment itself contributes to patient relaxation:

  • Amenities: Our offices are equipped with comfortable dental chairs, calming music, and a soothing ambiance to create a relaxing experience.
  • Technology: We use the latest dental technologies like laser dentistry and painless injections to minimize discomfort and noise.

Tips for Patients to Prepare for Anxiety-Free Visits

Patients can take proactive steps to reduce their anxiety:

  • Pre-Visit Strategies: Engaging in deep breathing exercises, visiting the dental office for a tour before an appointment, or scheduling morning visits can help alleviate anxiety.
  • During Visit: Patients are encouraged to communicate any fears or discomfort they might feel as it helps in adjusting the care provided.

Children and Dental Anxiety: Special Considerations

Children are particularly susceptible to dental fears. Creating positive dental visits early in life is essential for their long-term dental health. Manchester Dental specializes in pediatric dentistry, offering a friendly and engaging approach that eases children’s fear.

The Role of Communication in Reducing Dental Fear

Open communication with your dentist can significantly reduce anxiety. Understanding what to expect during a procedure and why it’s necessary helps patients feel more secure and in control.

Overcoming dental anxiety is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. Manchester Dental is committed to providing a compassionate and understanding approach to dental care, helping patients manage their dental fears effectively.

If you or someone you know is struggling with dental anxiety, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Manchester Dental. Let us help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile in a comfortable and anxiety-free environment.

dental anxiety manchester

Manchester Dental’s Guide to Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Tips for a Stress-Free Visit

March 11, 2024

Dental anxiety is a common concern that prevents many individuals from seeking necessary dental care. At Manchester Dental, we understand the apprehension that comes with dental visits, and we’re committed to creating a comfortable, anxiety-free experience for all our patients. This article offers practical advice to help you overcome dental anxiety and highlights how Manchester Dental prioritises your comfort and well-being.

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can stem from various sources, including past traumatic experiences, fear of pain, the sounds and smells of the dental office, or the feeling of loss of control. Recognising the source of your anxiety is the first step toward managing it effectively.

Tips for a Stress-Free Dental Visit

  1. Communicate Your Fears: Openly discussing your anxieties with our team at Manchester Dental can make a world of difference. We’re here to listen and adapt our approach to suit your comfort level.
  2. Schedule Wisely: Choose a time for your dental appointment when you’re less likely to be rushed or stressed. A calm, unhurried visit can help alleviate anxiety.
  3. Bring a Companion: Having a trusted friend or family member accompany you to your appointment can provide additional support and reassurance.
  4. Use Relaxation Techniques: Simple relaxation methods, such as deep breathing exercises or listening to calming music through headphones during your visit, can help soothe anxiety.
  5. Focus on the Benefits: Reminding yourself of the positive outcomes of dental care, such as improved oral health and the prevention of future dental problems, can motivate you to face your fears.

How Manchester Dental Supports Anxious Patients

  • Patient-Centred Care: Our practice is designed around the needs and comfort of our patients. From the moment you step into Manchester Dental, our friendly staff will make you feel welcome and at ease.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: We utilise the latest dental technologies to ensure treatments are as quick, painless, and effective as possible, reducing common triggers of dental anxiety.
  • Sedation Options: For those who need extra help relaxing, we offer various sedation options to make your experience more comfortable. Our team will discuss these options with you to find the most suitable approach.
  • Transparent Communication: We believe in clear, honest communication about what to expect during your visit. Understanding each step of the process can help demystify the experience and reduce anxiety.
  • A Comforting Environment: Our clinic is designed to create a soothing atmosphere, with comfortable waiting areas and treatment rooms equipped to make your visit as pleasant as possible

Taking the Next Step

If you’ve been avoiding the dentist due to anxiety, let Manchester Dental help you take the first step towards healthier teeth and a happier smile. Our team is dedicated to providing a caring, empathetic approach that addresses your concerns and supports you through every stage of your dental care journey.

Remember, your oral health is an essential part of your overall well-being, and overcoming dental anxiety is a courageous and worthwhile endeavour. Contact Manchester Dental today to discuss how we can make your dental experience a positive one.

preventitive care manchester

Preventive Dentistry: How Manchester Dental Can Help You Avoid Major Dental Work

March 11, 2024

Good oral health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, yet many of us overlook the importance of preventive dental care. At Manchester Dental, we believe in taking proactive steps to ensure your smile stays healthy and vibrant, helping you avoid the need for major dental work down the line. This article delves into the essence of preventive dentistry and how our dedicated team can guide you towards optimal oral health.

The Foundation of Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry encompasses a range of practices designed to keep teeth healthy, focusing on the early detection and avoidance of dental issues before they escalate. The goal is straightforward: to maintain your natural teeth, gum health, and minimise the risk of developing cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems.

Regular Dental Check-Ups: Your First Line of Defence

Regular check-ups are a cornerstone of preventive care. These appointments allow our team at Manchester Dental to monitor your oral health closely, identifying potential problems early when they’re often easier and less expensive to treat. During a check-up, we’ll examine your teeth, gums, and mouth for any signs of trouble, including early indicators of decay, gum disease, and other conditions that could lead to more significant health issues if left unaddressed.

Professional Cleanings: More Than Just Polishing

Alongside regular check-ups, professional cleanings are vital in preventing dental problems. Even with diligent brushing and flossing at home, plaque and tartar can build up in hard-to-reach areas. Our skilled hygienists use specialised tools to gently remove these deposits, leaving your teeth cleaner and healthier, reducing the risk of gum disease and cavities.

Personalised Oral Hygiene Advice

Every mouth is unique, and so are the care requirements. At Manchester Dental, we understand the importance of personalised advice. Our team will provide tailored recommendations on brushing, flossing, and other aspects of oral hygiene based on your specific needs. Whether it’s selecting the right toothbrush or mastering the technique of flossing, we’re here to ensure your daily routine is as effective as possible.

Early Detection Through Advanced Technology

Advancements in dental technology have significantly improved the early detection of dental issues. At Manchester Dental, we utilise the latest diagnostic tools, such as digital X-rays and intraoral cameras, to get a detailed view of your oral health. This technology enables us to identify problems like hidden decay or the early stages of gum disease before they become more serious.

The Role of Diet in Oral Health

Your diet plays a crucial role in oral health. During your visits, we’ll discuss how certain foods and beverages can impact your teeth and gums and provide advice on making choices that support dental health. From reducing sugar intake to increasing water and nutrient-rich foods, simple dietary adjustments can make a significant difference.

The Long-term Benefits of Preventive Care

Embracing preventive dentistry not only helps you maintain a healthy smile but also contributes to your overall health. Issues like gum disease have been linked to broader health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. By prioritising preventive care, you’re investing in your long-term well-being.

At Manchester Dental, our commitment to preventive dentistry is driven by the belief that everyone deserves a healthy, beautiful smile. Through regular check-ups, cleanings, and personalised guidance, we’re here to help you minimise the need for major dental work, ensuring your smile remains bright and healthy for years to come. Book a consultation with us!

toothache relief

Wave Goodbye to Toothache at Manchester Dental

February 7, 2024

Beginning your day with a toothache can swiftly turn your morning bleak, faster than you can utter “ouch.” At Manchester Dental, we recognise the frustration and discomfort accompanying dental pain, whether it’s a sporadic episode or a recurrent nuisance. Our team of emergency dentists is prepared to diagnose the cause of your discomfort and offer treatments aimed at eradicating tooth pain for good.

Understanding the Causes of Toothache

Toothache is a widespread issue, particularly after festive periods like birthdays or Christmas, when many of us indulge in sweet treats, fizzy drinks, and other culprits of toothache. While some toothaches may be transient, others persist, causing significant discomfort and inconvenience.

The underlying causes of toothache can vary, from dental injuries and abscesses to decay and sensitivity, often associated with the acid erosion of tooth enamel.

When to See a Dentist

If you’re experiencing sudden dental pain, suffer from recurring discomfort, notice symptoms such as increased sensitivity, weakness in the tooth, or bleeding gums, or if you’ve sustained a dental injury, it’s time to consult a dentist. Prompt attention from a professional can prevent further complications and restore your well-being.

Effective Relief from Toothache

For immediate relief, over-the-counter painkillers can alleviate some discomfort—ensure you adhere to the recommended dosage. However, for severe or ongoing pain, booking an appointment with Manchester Dental is essential. We’ll conduct a thorough examination to identify signs of decay, gum disease, or injury, and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Treatments may include fillings or crowns for decay, addressing gum disease, enhancing oral hygiene, or treating a dental abscess. Moreover, we provide advice on oral hygiene practices and dietary adjustments to help prevent future dental issues.

At Manchester Dental, our aim is to help you bid farewell to a toothache for good, with professional care and personalised treatments designed to tackle the root cause of your pain.

Book an emergency appointment

Dental Care in Manchester

Revolutionizing Dental Care in Manchester: Embracing Digital Dentistry

January 17, 2024

The landscape of dental care in Manchester is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, thanks to the advent of digital dentistry. This cutting-edge approach is redefining patient experiences and treatment outcomes in the dental world.

What is Digital Dentistry?

Digital dentistry refers to the use of digital technologies or devices to carry out dental procedures. It encompasses everything from digital radiographs to computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. This technology is revolutionizing how we approach dental care, making it more precise, efficient, and patient-friendly.

The Advantages of Digital Dentistry in Dental Care

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Digital tools provide more accurate diagnostics and treatment planning, ensuring better outcomes.
  • Improved Patient Comfort: Technologies like digital impressions are less invasive, enhancing patient comfort.
  • Efficiency: Procedures are faster, reducing the time patients spend in the chair.

Digital Dentistry Technologies at Manchester Dental

At Manchester Dental, we employ a variety of digital technologies. Digital imaging offers detailed views of oral structures, CAD/CAM systems allow for precise restorations, and 3D printing brings efficiency to the creation of dental prosthetics. These technologies are not just tools; they are part of our commitment to providing exceptional care.

Patient Success Stories

Our patients’ experiences speak for themselves. We’ve seen remarkable results in treatments thanks to digital dentistry – Patient Stories. Each story is a testament to the effectiveness of these modern techniques.

Why Manchester is at the Forefront of Digital Dentistry

Manchester Dental is not just adopting digital dentistry; we are pioneers in it. Our practice is a hub for innovation and excellence in dental care.

What Patients Can Expect

When you choose Manchester Dental for digital dentistry, expect a seamless, personalized experience. From consultation to treatment, each step is guided by our expertise and the latest in dental technology.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Digital Dentistry in Manchester

The future is bright for digital dentistry in Manchester. We are continually exploring new technologies and methods to stay ahead and provide the best care possible.

Digital dentistry is more than a trend; it’s the new standard for excellent dental care. At Manchester Dental, we are proud to be at the forefront of this exciting field, offering our patients the best in modern dental care.

Interested in experiencing the benefits of digital dentistry? Contact Manchester Dental today to learn more or schedule your appointment. Join us as we embrace the future of dental care in Manchester.

Dental Implants Manchester

Understanding Dental Implants: Your Guide to a Confident Smile in Manchester

January 17, 2024

A confident smile is a gateway to positive first impressions and improved self-esteem. Dental implants have emerged as a revolutionary solution for those seeking to restore their smiles in Manchester. This guide aims to provide comprehensive insights into the world of dental implants and how they can be your step towards a radiant, confident smile.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgical fixtures placed in the jawbone, replacing missing teeth roots. Unlike dentures, they offer a permanent solution and mimic natural teeth both in appearance and function. Their benefits extend beyond aesthetics; they prevent bone loss, maintain facial structure, and allow you to eat and speak without discomfort.

The Process of Getting Dental Implants in Manchester

At Manchester Dental, the journey to a confident smile begins with a detailed consultation. Our experts assess your oral health to determine the best course of action. The implant procedure involves placing a titanium post into the jawbone, followed by a period of healing. Once healed, a custom-made crown is attached, completing your new smile. We ensure each step is comfortable and transparent.

Why Choose Manchester Dental for Your Implants?

Our clinic stands out with its experienced dental professionals and cutting-edge technology. Our patients’ success stories speak volumes about our commitment to excellence. At Manchester Dental, we don’t just transform smiles; we transform lives.

Cost and Financing Options

Understanding the cost is crucial when considering dental implants. In Manchester, prices vary, but we offer various financing options to make the procedure accessible. Visit our Price Page for more information.

Preparing for Your Dental Implant Procedure

Preparation is key. We guide you through the necessary steps, from oral hygiene to dietary recommendations, ensuring you are fully prepared for the day of the procedure.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Post-procedure care is vital for the longevity of your implants. We provide comprehensive aftercare guidelines and recommend regular check-ups to maintain your new smile.


Covering everything from pain management to the longevity of implants. Choosing a qualified dentist is crucial for successful implantation, and our team at Manchester Dental is equipped to provide top-notch care.


Dental implants are a life-changing solution for those looking to regain their confidence through a beautiful smile. At Manchester Dental, we are dedicated to providing our patients with personalized, high-quality care.

Ready to take the first step towards a confident smile? Contact Manchester Dental today to schedule your consultation. Discover more about our services and how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Dental Implants Manchester: The Ultimate Solution for Missing Teeth

May 16, 2023
Dental implants manchester

Photo by kreatikar on Pixabay

Dental implants in Manchester have become the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They offer a permanent, reliable solution that can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss what dental implants are, why they are the best option for missing teeth, and the exceptional services provided by dental professionals in Manchester.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that act as a prosthetic tooth root, surgically placed into the jawbone. They are made of medical-grade titanium, which is strong, lightweight, and has the ability to fuse with living bone. Once the implant has fused with the surrounding bone tissue, it can then serve as a foundation for a replacement tooth, which is secured to the top of the dental implant. Dental implants can also support multiple teeth replacements, such as bridges or dentures.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Improved Appearance

Dental implants Manchester can help restore your smile by filling in unsightly gaps left by missing teeth. They also preserve the natural shape of your face by maintaining the bone structure, preventing the jawbone from shrinking and causing a sunken appearance.

Permanent Solution

Dental implants are designed to last for many years, if not a lifetime, with proper care. They fuse with your jawbone, functioning and looking just like natural teeth.

Increased Comfort and Stability

Implants are more comfortable than dentures, as they are firmly secured and do not slip or slide around in your mouth while eating or talking. This stability allows you to enjoy all your favourite foods without worry.

Preserve Healthy Teeth

Unlike traditional bridges, dental implants do not require adjacent teeth to be altered or damaged. They also promote better oral hygiene, as they are easier to clean than other tooth replacement alternatives.

Dental Implants Near Me: Top Manchester Professionals

When looking for dental implants near me, Manchester offers some of the best dental implantologists, such as Dr. Zakir and Dr. Sherlock Chan These highly experienced and skilled dental professionals have been placing dental implants for over ten years and have completed advanced training in implantology.

Dr. Zakir

Dr Zakir is a highly regarded dental implant specialist in Manchester. He sees patients requiring advanced treatments involving dental implants and complex aesthetic cases. Dr Zakir is a mentor of dentists who is starting off to place dental implants on the ICE Foundation Dental Implants Training Program and is also a Clinical Lecturer of postgraduate students in the MSc Dental Implantology program at the University of Edge Hill.

Dental Implant Procedures in Manchester

Single Tooth Implant

For those with only one missing tooth, a single-tooth dental implant in Manchester is an ideal solution. It offers a great alternative to a bridge, as it restores the gap without sacrificing any neighbouring healthy teeth.

dental implants manchester

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are an efficient and effective treatment technique for those missing multiple teeth. Using four or more implants, patients can have a secure, permanent set of natural-looking teeth without waiting weeks for the implants to heal.

all on 4 dental implants manchester

Implant-Retained Bridges

An implant-retained bridge is used when more than one tooth is missing. It is very similar to a traditional bridge but is supported by implants instead of natural teeth, providing additional strength and resistance to decay.

dental implant bridge manchester

Implant-Retained Dentures

These specially designed dentures are held firmly in place using two or more implants. They offer excellent retention and comfort, without slipping or sliding, and can accommodate either full or partial dentures.

Why Choose Dental Implants Manchester Services?

Dental Implants Manchester services offer numerous advantages, including the use of top-quality dental implants, experienced professionals in the placement and restoration of implants, and high surgical and functional success rates. Dentists even refer their own patients to Manchester Dental for dental implant treatments.

To find the best dental implants near me, Manchester residents can trust the professionals at Manchester Dental. Book a no-obligation consultation and take the first step towards restoring your smile with confidence. Send us a Whatsapp Message or call us directly on 0161 748 2674.

Dental Emergency – Manchester

March 31, 2023

Dental Emergency: What to Do When You Need Immediate Dental Care

Dental emergencies can be frightening and painful. They can happen at any time, often when you least expect it. Knowing what to do when a dental emergency arises can help alleviate some of the stress and pain that come with these situations. In this article, we will discuss common dental emergencies, what to do in each situation, and how to prevent them from happening.

Common Dental Emergencies

1. Toothache

A toothache can be caused by a variety of factors, including tooth decay, infection, or gum disease. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. If you experience a toothache, rinse your mouth with warm water and use dental floss to remove any food particles that may be causing the pain. Take over-the-counter pain medication to alleviate the discomfort, and contact your dentist to schedule an appointment.

2. Broken Tooth

A broken tooth can be caused by trauma, biting down on something hard, or tooth decay. Symptoms include pain, sensitivity, and a sharp edge on the tooth. If you experience a broken tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the affected area to reduce swelling. Save any broken pieces of the tooth and contact your dentist immediately.

3. Knocked-out tooth

A knocked-out tooth can be caused by trauma, such as a sports injury or accident. If you experience a knocked-out tooth, retrieve the tooth and rinse it gently with water. Do not touch the root of the tooth. If possible, place the tooth back into the socket and hold it in place with clean gauze. If you cannot place the tooth back into the socket, put it in a cup of milk or saliva and contact your dentist immediately.

dental emergency
dental emergency manchester
dental emergency
4. Lost Filling or Crown

A lost filling or crown can be caused by decay, trauma, or biting down on something hard. Symptoms include sensitivity, pain, and a visible hole in the tooth. If you experience a lost filling or crown, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a small amount of dental cement or temporary filling material to the affected area. Contact your dentist to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

5. Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth is a serious dental emergency that requires immediate treatment. Symptoms include severe pain, swelling, and pus around the affected tooth. If you experience an abscessed tooth, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and contact your dentist immediately.

What to do next?

Book an emergency appointment with us below:

All on 4 Dental Implants Manchester

March 15, 2023

What are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

All-on-4 dental implants here in Manchester are a type of dental implant treatment designed to replace a full arch of missing teeth using only four strategically placed dental implants.

How are they placed?

The placement process for All-on-4 dental implants typically involves the following steps:

⚫️ Initial Consultation: The dentist will perform a comprehensive examination of your mouth, including taking x-rays and impressions of your teeth and gums.

⚫️ Treatment Planning: Based on the results of your examination, the dentist will develop a customized treatment plan that outlines the placement of the dental implants.

⚫️ Implant Placement: During the procedure, our implant dentist will place four dental implants into your jawbone at precise angles to ensure optimal support for the prosthetic teeth.

⚫️Temporary Restoration: After the implants are placed, a temporary denture or bridge will be attached to the implants to allow for proper healing and osseointegration (the process of the implants fusing to the jawbone).

⚫️ Final Restoration: Once the implants have fully fused with the jawbone, a permanent set of prosthetic teeth will be attached to the implants to complete the treatment.

What are the Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants Manchester Dental?

There are several benefits to choosing All-on-4 dental implants for tooth replacement:

⚫️ Reduced Treatment Time: All-on-4 implants can typically be placed in a single visit, reducing the overall treatment time and the number of dental appointments required.

⚫️ Improved Comfort: Because the prosthetic teeth are anchored securely to the dental implants, patients experience improved comfort and stability compared to traditional dentures.

⚫️ Enhanced Oral Health: All-on-4 implants help maintain the health and integrity of the jawbone by stimulating bone growth and preventing bone loss.

⚫️ Improved Speech and Eating: With All-on-4 implants, patients can speak and eat with greater confidence, as the prosthetic teeth function and feel like natural teeth.

All on 4 dental implants manchester

Dr Nafees Zakir

Dr Zakir is a mentor of dentists who are starting off to place dental implants on the ICE Foundation Dental Implants Training Program and is also a Clinical Lecturer of postgraduate students in the MSc Dental Implantology program at the University of Edge Hill. His qualifications in Dental Implantology are an MSc (Master of Science, with Distinction) in Dental Implantology, a PG Dip (Post Graduate Diploma) in Restorative Dental Implantology, and as mentioned Clinical Lecturer In Dental Implantology at the Zygomatic and Full-Arch Dental Implant Training. Dr Zakir also receives referrals of patients for dental implants in Manchester from other dentists around the area who are unable to carry out such treatments.

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